Allies in Life
Allies in Life

Allies in Life

Denver Public Art 1%

Carved from a solid block of limestone, the work utilizes negative space to convey its message. The limestone block is divided into two pieces signifying the fact that Karmiel Park is part of Denver's Sister City program. The twin blocks represents "sisters" that, together, form a graphic of life.

Charlie Brown (rights held by)
Michael Chavez (city project manager)
Michael Chavez (public art project manager)
Tom Latka (semi-finalist)
Christopher Weed (semi-finalist)
Michael Clapper (semi-finalist)
Kelton Osborn (semi-finalist)
Adam Smith (was created by)
Karen Good (was created by)
Dennis Ohlrogge (rights held by)
R. Tony Smith (rights held by)
Virginia Folkestad (rights held by)
Dan Sjogren (rights held by)
Lorelei Schott (panel artist)
Stacey Simonet (city council representative)
Pat Lee (rights held by)
Frances Owen (rights held by)
Mayor Michael Hancock (was created by)
Michael Clapper ()
Michael Clapper ()
Monroe & Newell Engineers Inc (rights held by)