American Flag

Denver Public Art 1%

American Flag, is a bronze sculpture created  by the artist team of Giancarlo Biagi and Jill Burkee. Based upon a concept created by Biagi, the piece depicts the story of America in sculpted relief. 
Biagi and Burkee have used images of events and people to represent periods of American history. Their expansive new piece is designed for audiences young and old to view and touch, so that they may understand some of the important events in America's dynamic and diverse history. 

Partners for 29 years, Biagi and Burkee work exclusively on public art and private commissions. Burkee was born in Denver and raised in Aspen, while Biagi is a native of Pietrasanta, Italy. They have studios in New York and Pietrasanta, where they produce both marble and bronze sculpture. 

Jill Burkee (was created by)
Giancarlo Biagi (artist)