Urban Arts Fund
From the artist: I intend to bring a message of healing to Denver. The Crystal stone is an element used in many cultures as an energy filter. In addition to its use as medicinal stone it can cause a feeling of cleanliness, transparency and clairvoyance. In the case of this mural, a tribal afrofuturist woman is the one who carries it and offers it to the public. There is a gesture of tenderness, generosity and serenity. His straw hair is a reference to the OMOLU deity, which in the Afro-Brazilian pantheon (of the Jeje-nagô, Ketu or Angola nations, the most representatives in Brazil) is a potent destroyer of maladies, is the one who cures smallpox and other diseases. The image was created by me together with the performer Keity Valença. Another sign of the work is to disassociate the image of the black people with "brute force" and "weight", among other commonly stereotyped values. Here a black woman brings a delicate stone - a sacred crystal.
Zitto (rights held by)