La Familia Cósmica
Denver Public Art 1%
"La Familia Cosmica" by Jerry Jaramillo, Al Sanchez, Carlos Sandoval and Stevon Lucero was painted in 1980 at La Familia Recreation Center. The mural explores the concept of La Raza Cósmica, the convergence of ethnic groups, by Mexican philosopher, secretary of education, and 1929 presidential candidate José Vasconcelos. Claiming that social Darwinist and racialist ideologies were only created to justify ethnic repression, Vasconelos' theory envisioned a future amalgamation of all the races in the world with no respect to color. Along with several figures, the mural depicts the ocean stretching far into the celestial space.
Jerry Jaramillo (was created by)
William H. McNichols, Jr. (mayor)
Al Sanchez (artist)
Carlos Sandoval (artist)
Stevon Lucero (artist)
William H. McNichols, Jr. (mayor)
Al Sanchez (artist)
Carlos Sandoval (artist)
Stevon Lucero (artist)